Do you employ a key contributor that needs to tweak one or maybe two aspects of their performance? Do you recognize the importance of maximizing leader strengths and minimizing leader weaknesses? Are you trying to prevent derailers from becoming fatal flaws for a top performer in your organization?
What exactly is a Climate Assessment? A Climate Assessment is an organizational tool that diagnoses your current company culture. Through the use of either automated software or via the focus group method, these cultural audits provide an organization with a “snapshot” of the current employee environment, depicting the overall strengths/opportunity areas in your business.
Are you confident your HR policies/practices are generating the most productive, employee-focused environment in your organization? With many recent law changes, are you certain your policies and/or employee handbook meet both federal and state regulations?
Are you recruiting the Right Candidates for the Right Jobs at the Right Time? Are you utilizing today's many tools and vehicles in which to generate the best applicant for your open position? Do you seek the passive candidate and are you capitalizing on talent pipelines? Do you believe you are retaining the Right Talent in your organization or are your valued performers leaving your organization?
Due to our ever-increasing influx of different cultures, norms and personalities, it is imperative organizations remain "proactive" by offering Sensitivity Training to leadership teams. Operating a Respectful Workplace Culture not only buffers an organization from legal action, it helps build a professional, values-driven environment, promoting solid organizational growth.
Are you faced with employee relations issues relative to your non-performers? Are your leaders frustrated by the lack of improvement in select personnel and need additional methods or techniques in which to help turn the situation around?
Do you recognize a barrier in your culture that is limiting growth, productivity, and overall employee satisfaction? Are you faced with a seasoned workforce that may not as easily adapt to ongoing changes in your organization? Do you find various departments regularly in conflict with one another?
Are you in need of a Facilitator for an upcoming offsite meeting? Do you recognize the importance of Groupthink and the ability to capitalize on creative ideas and new initiatives away from the office? Do you wish to take an active part in the meeting for input purposes, rather than assume the responsibility for leading the discussion?
With the fast-paced nature of today’s business, the pressure has never been greater for newly hired leaders to assimilate quickly into their new organization. Due to the higher recruitment and selection costs, it is imperative that the onboarding process of any new supervisor be taken seriously.
When employees lodge a harassment or discrimination complaint, are you fully prepared to take action? Are your process steps both legally sound and generating the solutions you desire? Do you believe your judgments and decision making deter future undesired behavior?
Following a merger or acquisition, what is the single most difficult obstacle to overcome? Merging the two cultures!
How are your OSHA recordables trending? Are you experiencing safety violations that you know are preventable? Do your employees understand company expectations relative to maintaining a safe and secure work environment?